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Native American Webquest

Page history last edited by St. Anthony School 10 years, 5 months ago

Native Americans
in the Natural World



Many stereotypes exist concerning American Indians. Contrary to popular belief, not all Indians or Native Americans lived in teepees and rode on painted horses as they are depicted in many of the old western movies. Native Americans from different parts of what is now the United States lived in many different tribes. Each tribe had their own culture: customs, language, myths, and religion. In this WebQuest, you will read and learn about four Native American tribes from different parts of the United States: North, South, East, and West.


The Task:

Your task is to compare and contrast four different tribes which were indigenous to the United States: the Tlingit of the Northwest Coast, the Hopi of theSouthwest, the Iroquois of the Northeast, and the Lakota of the Western plains. As you read about the customs of each tribe you will search for information concerning important foods, myths or spiritual beliefs, and important plants and/or animals. This information will be recorded on a chart. You will also note and record the biome where each tribe lives and draw conclusions as to how the biome affects the culture of each tribe. Using the information from your chart and other data from your research, you will prepare a multimedia presentation.

(indigenous: - native to or originating in this area; already living here when this country was settled by people from other parts of the world) 


The Process:

Research (at the computer):

Read all directions before you click.

  1. Get a copy of the Native American Research Chart.   native american research chart.docx  
  2. Navigate to the Carnegie Museum of Natural History website: North, South, East, West American Indians and the Natural World
  3. Click on North | South | East | West to enter the web site.
  4. After reading the introduction, choose the tribe you want to research first.
  5. (You may click on either the name of the tribe in the text, or click on a direction word in the bar at the bottom.)
  6. The section names at the top of your research chart will guide you to the sections where you can find the data for your chart. Click on a section name to find the information. Record the information on your chart.
  7. After reading a section and recording the information, use the navigation bar at the bottom of the page to go to another section about the current Native American tribe you are researching.
  8. When you have completed the research for a tribe, click one of: North | South | East | West, to go to different tribe which was indigenous to another part of the United States.
  9. Continue to repeat steps, 5, 6, and 7 for all four regions.
  10. When you have completed the chart, go back to each tribe to read the other sections not included on the chart. Record important points as you read.


Discussion (In the classroom):

  1. Discuss the information recorded on the Native Americans research chart.
  2. Think about and discuss how the biome where each tribe lived affected the tribe's way of life.



Native Americans research chart.

Carnegie Museum of Natural History website:
North, South, East, West American Indians and the Natural World



  1. The Native Americans research chart will be evaluated for accuracy, completion and neatness.



At the conclusion of this project, students will be aware of the cultural likeness and differences of Native Americans from the northern, southern, eastern, and western regions of the United States. The stereotype image of all Indians living in teepees will be replaced with the knowledge that Native Americans interacted with the environment resulting in different ways of living in the natural world. 



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